I samme slengen melde eg meg på "One skein secret pal exchange" der eg skal sende eitt nøste til nokon i juni og juli og noko eg har laga av eitt nøste i august. ...og min hemmelege ven skal sende til meg. Spennande! I det høvet skal eg svare på nokre spørsmål om mine garnvanar. Eg svarar på engelsk slik at min hemmelege ven i Holland skal kunne lese det.
I bought a new book:One skein by Leigh Radford. An inspiring book with patterns intended for one skein. A good way to use some leftovers and prepare for the gift season.
Of course I also joined "One skein secret pal exchange" and will secretly send one skein for my partner in June and July, and make something for her in August. Some dutch secret pal is sending to me and wants me to answer some questions about my yarn habits.
One skein secret pal questionare:
1. Which yarn is most like your personality (you can be specific or general with your answer- brand, type, color, fiber, whatever)?
Wool, wool and wool - soft wool!
2. What is your favorite color yarn to knit/crochet with?
Reds, green and black. Who could guess that...
3. Have you ever used variegated, or magic, yarns?
Yes, but I'm not to happy about the result. Often to messy, but OK for socks.
4. Do you tend to favor certain fibers when choosing yarns?
Yes, alpaca...
5. Do you prefer to work with center-pull or traditionally wound balls of yarn?
I really don't care.
6. Have you ever worked with organic yarns or are you interested in trying them?
What is organic yarn? Never tried, but always ready to try something new.
7. How many and what projects have you made in the last year?
Can't remember, but more than 20... Small creatures, bags, socks, hats, scarfs and mittens.
8. Will you be knitting any gifts this year?
9. What is your favorite one skein project?
This and this.
10. How much yarn do you have in your stash and how do you store it?
A lot... Stored in my magic sofa with storage.
11. Do you have a yarn in your stash that you love so much you can never use it or part with it?
Yes! this skein.
12. Do you knit less or differently in the summer?
13. Do you belong to any knitting groups (online or offline)?
Often found at Hobbyboden (in Norwegian).
1 kommentar:
Congratulations on the whiplash mention!!
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