Eg sto opp ei natt i påska for å melde meg på Back-tack 3. Det har definitivt vore ei hyggeleg erfaring. Eg fekk bryna kosedyrfantasien min litt, testa ut nytt garn, blitt kjent med nye bloggar og bloggarar og fått ein kjempefin pakke i posten.
Berre sjå kor flott Pointy Kitty Belinda har laga til meg. ...og ikkje nok med det. Pakken var full av andre fine ting òg! De kan sjå fleire bilete av innhaldet her. Heldige meg har mellom anna fått fantastisk mjukt handmåla merinogarn. Eg kan nesten ikkje vente med å ta fram strikkepinnane!
Ungane fekk kvar si bok frå Belinda sine ungar. Dei fall verkeleg i smak og det var spesielt kjekt at ho la oppi noko til dei òg. Vi ventar nemleg framleis på Miniswap-pakke...
Tusen takk, Belinda!
My effort late at night this Easter turned out to be a great experience. In Back-tack 3 I got to test my softie-skills, use new yarn, meet new Blogland friends - and get a great package in the end...
Look at the wonderful Pointy Kitty Belinda made for me ...and then she spoiled me. All the nice stuff I got can be viewed here. Lucky me got great, soft, handpainted new yarn. I can't wait to start knitting.
The kids got books as well, and they really enjoyed reading them. It was nice of Belinda to add something special for my children. Especially since we never got anything from the Miniswap...
Thank you, Belinda!
3 kommentarer:
oh the kitty is lovely! it's so great seeing them all pop up on everyone's blogs now :)
I was going to post pics on my blog, but I forgot to take a pic of the initial. Can you take one for me. Thanks
I just saw your knitted kitty over at petulant feminine. It's just gorgeous magni. Love the necklace and the sweet face.
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